sábado, 27 de abril de 2013

Resumig our sesssion on the Second Vatican Council documents

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, during the months of March and April in our community were focused on the celebration of Lent in preparation for the Holy, the most important days of the year, a season when we celebrate the Passion, Death and Resurrection of the Lord. Once we have celebrated the Solemnity of the Resurrection of the Lord –Easter Sunday- we return many things that we, say, "paused" before Ash Wednesday, one of which is the important celebration of the Year of Faith. A few days after his election, Pope Francis at the meeting with representatives of the Churches and Ecclesial Communities and other religions, he said: "[...] I begin my apostolic ministry during this year that my venerable predecessor, Benedict XVI with truly inspired intuition, has proclaimed the Catholic Church Year of Faith with this initiative, we want to continue, and hopefully encourage the journey of faith of all, I wanted to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council, proposing a pilgrimage to what is essential for every Christian: personal and transforming relationship with Jesus Christ, Son of God, died and rose for our salvation. At the heart of the Council's message is precisely the desire to proclaim this treasure perennially valid faith to the people of our time. [...]". At this point one may ask, "Is not all this too far? Is not this celebration only happening in Rome and where the cardinals and bishops of the Church live?” My brother, my sister, the Year of Faith is available to everyone, and even though the virtue of faith is a gift of God to every person -and therefore it is something free- is in our hands rekindle and reshape our faith. On Sunday May 5, at 5PM in the parish center, we will resume the study sessions in the documents of Vatican II and so continue that Holy Father's invitation to deepen our faith and witness of our hope. We have to remember that every baptized Catholic is called through baptism to be a disciple of Christ and proclaim the Gospel. The Year of Faith is an opportunity for each and every Catholic to renew their baptismal call by living out the everyday moments of their lives with faith, hope and love. This everyday witness is necessary for proclaiming the Gospel to family, friends, neighbors and society. In order to witness to the Gospel, Catholics must be strengthened through celebrating weekly Sunday Mass and the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Let us walk together and praying together uniting our hearts to the intentions of the Holy Father and the Archbishop of San Antonio Fr. Agustin, pastor. 

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