lunes, 24 de septiembre de 2012

Catechism for Catholic Voters (2)

My brothers and sisters in Christ, last week we started publishing this text and we continue today. U.S. Bishops teach us that we must form our conscience well, so in reading this text can get well ideas to form our conscience Fr Agustín, Pastor.

4. If I think that a pro-abortion candidate will, on balance, do much more for the culture of life than a pro-life candidate, why may I not vote for the pro-abortion candidate? If a political candidate supported abortion, or any other moral evil, such as assisted suicide and euthanasia, for that matter, it would not be morally permissible for you to vote for that person. This is because, in voting for such a person, you would become an accomplice in the moral evil at issue. For this reason, moral evils such as abortion, euthanasia and assisted suicide are examples of a “disqualifying issue.” A disqualifying issue is one which is of such gravity and importance that it allows for no political maneuvering. It is an issue that strikes at the heart of the human person and is non-negotiable. A disqualifying issue is one of such enormity that by itself renders a candidate for office unacceptable regardless of his position on other matters. You must sacrifice your feelings on other issues because you know that you cannot participate in any way in an approval of a violent and evil violation of basic human rights. A candidate for office who supports abortion rights or any other moral evil has disqualified himself as a person that you can vote for. You do not have to vote for a person because he is pro-life. But you may not vote for any candidate who supports abortion rights. Key to understanding the point above about “disqualifying issues” is the distinction between policy and moral principle. On the one hand, there can be a legitimate variety of approaches to accomplishing a morally acceptable goal. For example, in a society’s effort to distribute the goods of health care to its citizens, there can be legitimate disagreement among citizens and political candidates alike as to whether this or that health care plan would most effectively accomplish society’s goal. In the pursuit of the best possible policy or strategy, technical as distinct (although not separate) from moral reason is operative. Technical reason is the kind of reasoning involved in arriving at the most efficient or effective result. On the other hand, no policy or strategy that is opposed to the moral principles of the natural law is morally acceptable. Thus, technical reason should always be subordinate to and normed by moral reason, the kind of reasoning that is the activity of conscience and that is based on the natural moral law.

5. If I may not vote for a pro-abortion candidate, then should it not also be true that I can’t vote for a pro-capital punishment candidate? It is not correct to think of abortion and capital punishment as the very same kind of moral issue. On the one hand, direct abortion is an intrinsic evil, and cannot be justified for any purpose or in any circumstances. On the other hand, the Church has always taught that it is the right and responsibility of the legitimate temporal authority to defend and preserve the common good, and more specifically to defend citizens against the aggressor. This defense against the aggressor may resort to the death penalty if no other means of defense is sufficient. The point here is that the death penalty is understood as an act of self-defense on the part of civil society. In more recent times, in his encyclical Evangelium Vitae, Pope John Paul II has taught that the need for such self-defense to resort to the death penalty is “rare, if not virtually nonexistent.” Thus, while the Pope is saying that the burden of proving the need for the death penalty in specific cases should rest on the shoulders of the legitimate temporal authority, it remains true that the legitimate temporal authority alone has the authority to determine if and when a “rare” case arises that warrants the death penalty. Moreover, if such a rare case does arise and requires resorting to capital punishment, this societal act of self-defense would be a *morally good action* even if it does have the unintended and unavoidable evil effect of the death of the aggressor. Thus, unlike the case of abortion, it would be morally irresponsible to rule out all such “rare” possibilities a priori, just as it would be morally irresponsible to apply the death penalty indiscriminately  

(This text will continue next week) 

Catechism for Catholic Voters (1)

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Catholics have a moral obligation to promote the common good through the exercise of their voting privileges[1]. It is not just civil authorities that have responsibility for a country. "Service of the common good require[s] citizens to fulfill their roles in the life of the political community"[2]. This means citizens should participate in the political process at the ballot box. In the coming weeks, and before we get fully into the celebration of the Year of Faith, I want to leave in The Pastor’s Bench a text written by Fr Stephen F. Torraco, a text that can be very useful in this election season. In my prayers I ask the Holy Spirit his light and guide for everyone in this blessed country Fr Agustín, Pastor.

A Brief Catechism
for Catholic Voters


1. Isn’t conscience the same as my own opinions and feelings? And doesn’t everyone have the right to his or her own conscience?

Conscience is NOT the same as your opinions or feelings. Conscience cannot be identical with your feelings because conscience is the activity of your intellect in judging the rightness or wrongness of your actions or omissions, past, present, or future, while your feelings come from another part of your soul and should be governed by your intellect and will. Conscience is not identical with your opinions because your intellect bases its judgment upon the natural moral law, which is inherent in your human nature and is identical with the Ten Commandments. Unlike the civil laws made by legislators, or the opinions that you hold, the natural moral law is not anything that you invent, but rather discover within yourself and is the governing norm of your conscience. In short, Conscience is the voice of truth within you, and your opinions need to be in harmony with that truth.

As a Catholic, you have the benefit of the Church’s teaching authority or Magisterium endowed upon her by Christ. The Magisterium assists you and all people of good will in understanding the natural moral law as it relates to specific issues. As a Catholic, you have the obligation to be correctly informed and normed by the teaching of the Church’s Magisterium. As for your feelings, they need to be educated by virtue so as to be in harmony with conscience’s voice of truth. In this way, you will have a sound conscience, according to which we you will feel guilty when you are guilty, and feel morally upright when you are morally upright. We should strive to avoid the two opposite extremes of a lax conscience and a scrupulous conscience. Meeting the obligation of continually attending to this formation of conscience will increase the likelihood that, in the actual operation or activity of conscience, you will act with a certain conscience, which clearly perceives that a given concrete action is a good action that was rightly done or should be done.

Being correctly informed and certain in the actual operation of conscience is the goal of the continuing formation of conscience. Otherwise put, you should strive to avoid being incorrectly informed and doubtful in the actual judgment of conscience about a particular action or omission. You should never act on a doubtful conscience.

2. Is it morally permissible to vote for all candidates of a single party?

This would depend on the positions held by the candidates of a single party. If any one or more of them held positions that were opposed to the natural moral law, then it would not be morally permissible to vote for all candidates of this one party. Your correctly informed conscience transcends the bounds of any one political party.

3. If I have strong feelings or opinions in favor of a particular candidate, even if he is pro-abortion, why may I not vote for him?

As explained in question above, neither your feelings nor your opinions are identical with your conscience. Neither your feelings nor your opinions can take the place of your conscience. Your feelings and opinions should be governed by your conscience. If the candidate about whom you have strong feelings or opinions is pro-abortion, then your feelings and opinions need to be corrected by your correctly informed conscience, which would tell you that it is wrong for you to allow your feelings and opinions to give lesser weight to the fact that the candidate supports a moral evil.

(This text will continue next week)

[1] Cf. Catechism of the Catholic Church n. 2240
[2] Id 2239

jueves, 13 de septiembre de 2012

Sunday is the day when we all work together to make the liturgy the time of encounter with the Lord, to help those who come to our community to have a place of prayer and silent.
El domingo es el día en que trabajamos todos juntos para hacer de la Liturgia el momento de encuentro con el Señor; para ayudar a quienes vienen a nuestra comunidad a tener un espacio de oración y silencio. 

Nuestra Señora de los Dolores

Estaba la Madre dolorosa 
junto a la Cruz llorando,
mientras su Hijo pendía.
Su alma llorosa,
triste y dolorida,
traspasada por una espada.

¡Oh cuán triste y afligida
estuvo aquella bendita
Madre del Unigénito!
Estaba triste y dolorosa,
como madre piadosa,

al ver las penas de su Divino Hijo.
¿Qué hombre no lloraría,
si viese a la Madre de Cristo
en tan atroz suplicio?
¿Quién no se contristaría,
al contemplar a la Madre de Cristo
dolerse con su Hijo?

Por los pecados de su pueblo,
vio a Jesús en los tormen tos,
y sometido a los azotes.

Vio a su dulce Hijo
morir abandonado,
cuando entregó su espíritu.
¡Oh, Madre, fuente de amor!
Haz que sienta tu dolor
para que contigo llore.

Haz que arda mi corazón
en amor de Cristo mi Dios,
para que así le agrade.
¡Oh santa Madre! Haz esto:
graba las llagas del Crucificado
en mi corazón hondamente.

De tu Hijo lleno de heridas,
que se dignó padecer tanto por mi,
reparte conmigo las penas.
Haz que yo contigo piadosamente llore,
y que me con duela del Crucificado,
mientras yo viva.

Haz que esté contigo
junto a la Cruz;
pues deseo asociarme en el llanto.
¡Oh Virgen la más ilustre de todas las vírgenes!
no seas ya dura para mí;
haz que contigo llore.
Haz que lleve la muerte de Cristo;
hazme socio de su Pasión
y que venere sus llagas.

Haz que, herido con sus heridas,
sea yo embriagado con la Cruz
y con la Sangre de tu Hijo.
Para que no me queme y arda en las llamas,
por ti, oh Virgen, sea defendido
en el día del juicio.

¡Oh Cristo! Cuando hubiere de salir de aquí,
dame, por tu Madre,
que llegue a la palma de la victoria.
Cuando el cuerpo feneciere,
haz que al alma se le de
la gloria del Paraíso.
Amén. Aleluya.

Year of Faith (4)

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Bishop Rino Fisichella, President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization, is also a great theologian, I want to present in this edition of the Pastor’s Bench his words on the Year of Faith Fr. Agustin, pastor.

Why the Year of Faith? The question is not rhetorical and deserves an answer, especially in the face of the great expectation that is being recorded in the Church for such an event. Benedict XVI gave a first motivation when he announced the indication: “The mission of the Church, like that of Christ, is essentially to speak of God, to remember his sovereignty, to remind all, especially Christians who have lost their own identity, of the right of God to what belongs to him, that is, our life. Precisely in order to give a fresh impetus to the mission of the whole Church to lead human beings out of the wilderness in which they often find themselves to the place of life, friendship with Christ that gives us life in fullness”. This is the main purpose, so as not to forget what characterizes our life: belief. To exit from the desert, bringing the silence of those who have not to say we receive the joy of faith thus speaking about it in a renewed way. This year therefore is aimed primarily at the whole Church so that in the face of the dramatic crisis of faith that touches many Christians, she will be able to show once again and with renewed enthusiasm the true face of Christ, which calls her sequel. It is a year for all of us because through the perpetual journey of faith we feel the need to reinvigorate our steps, which become at times tired and slow, and to give the most assertive witness. Those who understand their weakness that often take the shape of indifference and of agnosticism in order to find the lost meaning and to understand the value of belonging to a community, true antidote of the bareness of the individualism of our time cannot be excluded. In Porta Fidei, however Benedict XVI write that this “door of faith is always open”. This means that no one can feel excluded from wondering about the meaning of life and about important questions that strike us due to the persistence of a complex crisis which increases the questioning and which eclipses hope. Asking the question of faith does not mean withdrawing oneself from the world, rather it means being conscious of the responsibility that one has in regards to humanity at this historical juncture. A year when prayer and reflection may be easier to combine with the intelligence of faith, which must be urgent and necessary for all. We cannot allow for believers to rush in various fields of science in order to make their work more professional, thus finding themselves with a weak and insufficient knowledge of the faith. An unforgivable imbalance, which does not permit our personal identity to grow, and which prevents us from giving accountability to the choice made ■ 

El Año de la Fe (4)

Queridos hermanos en el Señor, deseo que todos hayan podido descansar y tomar fuerzas durante el verano para reemprender con ilusión el camino de continuar creciendo como comunidad parroquial.  Pronto vamos a empezar un momento importante en la Iglesia universal, en nuestra arquidiócesis de San Antonio y desde luego en nuestra comunidad parroquial. Nos ponemos en camino con gozo y esperanza, confiados en el Señor, que es quien, por medio de su Espíritu, obra en nosotros. Pronto se cumplen cincuenta años de la inauguración del Concilio Vaticano II y veinte de la publicación del Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica, y su Santidad el Papa Benedicto XVI nos ha convocado a celebrar el Año de la Fe. Éste acontecimiento comenzará el próximo 11 de octubre, día del aniversario del comienzo del Concilio, con la hora santa Eucarística que habitualmente tenemos aquí en la parroquia todos los jueves,  y durará –el Año de la Fe- hasta el 24 de noviembre de 2013, fiesta de Cristo Rey.  Desde el 11 de octubre del año pasado, fecha en la que el Papa publicó su carta apostólica Porta fidei convocando este Año de la Fe, hemos recorrido ya un tiempo de preparación: estudiamos las partes de la Misa, nos concentramos en la liturgia de la Iglesia, hemos ido hablando domingo a domingo de la importancia de conocer lo que hacemos cuando nos reunimos alrededor del altar del Señor, etc. Este Año de la Fe es pues, queridos hermanos y hermanas, una gran ayuda para los que ya creen, un apoyo en la fe cotidiana; a quienes están buscando o tienen nostalgia de Dios un es un signo concreto de que Dios mismo está presente y vivo en medio de nosotros y que se deja buscar y encontrar. Este año de la fe debe ayudarnos a tener la experiencia de Jesucristo, experiencia que debe ser comunicada a los demás. El Año de la Fe servirá para sostener el testimonio de tantos creyentes que en las fatigas cotidianas no dejan de confiar con convicción y coraje su propia existencia al Señor Jesús que es el origen y el fin de todas las cosas, como tantas veces nos dice la Sagrada Escritura.  A la comunidad de habla inglesa ya les recomendé leer la carta Porta Fidei, ahora lo hago a la comunidad de habla hispana. El texto lo pueden encontrar en éste sitio:

es posible imprimirlo o leerlo on-line. Es un texto corto y sencillo y muy elocuente. Por otro lado, en el website oficial del Año de la Fe hay noticias y videos y conferencias que nos ayudarán a saber qué está pasando:  Sigamos, pues nuestro camino y empecemos con mucha alegría éste hermoso Año de la Fe P. Agustín, párroco.