martes, 28 de agosto de 2012

Year of Faith (3)

My brothers and sisters in Christ, the other six points on which we will focus, are these: 6. The promotion of conferences to help the faithful to rediscover the gift of Baptismal faith and the task of giving witness, knowing that the Christian vocation “by its very nature is also a vocation to the apostolate.” 7. During this time, members of Institutes of Consecrated Life and of Societies of Apostolic Life are asked to work towards the new evangelization with a renewed union to the Lord Jesus, each according to their proper charism, in fidelity to the Holy Father and to sound doctrine. 8. Contemplative communities, during the Year of Faith, should pray specifically for the renewal of the faith among the People of God and for a new impulse for its transmission to the young. 9. Associations and Ecclesial Movements will contribute to the wider experience of the Year of Faith. 10. All of the faithful, called to renew the gift of faith, should try to communicate their own experience of faith and charity to their brothers and sisters of other religions, with those who do not believe, and with those who are just indifferent. In this way, it is hoped that the entire Christian people will begin a kind of mission toward those with whom they live and work, knowing that they “have welcomed the news of salvation which is meant for every man.” Faith is the lifelong companion that makes it possible to perceive, ever anew, the marvels that God works for us. Intent on gathering the signs of the times in the present of history, faith commits every one of us to become a living sign of the presence of the Risen Lord in the world. Faith is both a personal and a communal act: it is a gift from God that is lived in the communion of the Church and must be communicated to the world. Every initiative for the Year of Faith should be designed to aid in the joyous rediscovery of the faith and its renewed transmission. This Year of Faith will be a special time in which we, as Christians, may share that which is most dear to us: Christ Jesus, the Redeemer of mankind, Universal King, leader and perfecter of faith[1] Fr. Agustin, pastor.

[1] Hb 12: 2

Encuentro Anual de Jóvenes para Cristo (2012)

In early August we attended the National Congress of Jovenes para Cristo in Ontario (California), we were greeted warmly by communities across the United States. Three days of prayer in the Holy Spirit and of hope for the Church in this country. Here we share some pictures.

A comienzos de Agosto asistimos al Congreso Nacional de Jovenes para Cristo, en Ontario (California); nosotros fuimos recibidos con mucho cariño por comunidades de todos los Estados Unidos. Fueron tres días de oración en el Espíritu Santo y de esperanza para la Iglesia de éste país. Aqui compartimos unas fotos. 

El Año de la Fe (3)

Queridos hermanos y hermanas en el Señor, una de las principales ideas que el Santo Padre nos transmite al convocar éste Año de la Fe del que hemos estado hablando, es que el mundo necesita hoy de manera especial el testimonio creíble tuyo y mío, es decir, el testimonio de vida de todos y cada uno los cristianos. En otras palabras: iluminados en la mente y el corazón por la Palabra del Señor debemos capaces de abrir el corazón y la mente al deseo de Dios y de la vida verdadera, ésa que no tiene fin, ésa que, gratis, nos regala Jesucristo. Así lo dice el Papa, citando a san Pablo: “Que la Palabra del Señor siga avanzando y sea glorificada[1], y que este Año de la Fe haga cada vez más fuerte la relación con Cristo, el Señor, pues sólo en él tenemos la certeza para mirar al futuro y la garantía de un amor auténtico y duradero”.  Aquí, las palabras del apóstol Pedro proyectan un rayo de luz sobre la fe: Por ello os alegráis, aunque ahora sea preciso padecer un poco en pruebas diversas; así la autenticidad de vuestra fe, más preciosa que el oro, que, aunque es perecedero, se aquilata a fuego, merecerá premio, gloria y honor en la revelación de Jesucristo; sin haberlo visto lo amáis y, sin contemplarlo todavía, creéis en él y así os alegráis con un gozo inefable y radiante, alcanzando así la meta de vuestra fe; la salvación de vuestras almas[2]. Nosotros conocemos la alegría y el sufrimiento, y también conocemos la soledad. Muchos de nosotros somos incluso probados por el silencio de Dios: quisiéramos escuchar su voz consoladora… Las pruebas de la vida a la vez que permiten comprender el misterio de la Cruz y participar en los sufrimientos de Cristo, son preludio de la alegría y la esperanza a la que conduce la fe: Cuando soy débil, entonces soy fuerte. Nosotros creemos con firme certeza que el Señor Jesús ha vencido el mal y la muerte. Con esta segura confianza nos encomendamos a Él y seguimos caminando este camino, con alegría con la esperanza puesta en Dios y en la Iglesia P. Agustín, párroco.

[1] 2 Ts 3, 1
[2] 1 P 1, 6-9

Under construction Day of retreat (July 2012)

A few weeks ago, we had a morning of retreat, prayer and silence for the women of the parish. The theme of the retreat was "under construction", and the idea was to emphasize that the spiritual life is always under construction, always looking for improvement, always seeking progress. It was a morning of fellowship and joy. Here are some pictures.

Hace unas semanas, tuvimos una mañana de retiro, oración y silencio para las mujeres de nuestra parroquia. El tema del retiro era "bajo construcción", y la idea era subrayar que la vida espiritual está siempre bajo construcción, siempre buscando mejoras, siempre buscando el progreso. Fue una mañana de convivencia y alegría. Aqui dejamos algunas fotos. 

viernes, 24 de agosto de 2012

Year of Faith 2012 (2)

My brothers and sisters in Christ, last week began with a series of articles in the Pastor's Bench to prepare for the Year of the Faith to which we are called by our Holy Father Benedict XVI. At the parish level, these are the first five points on which we will be focus. These five points come from the Holy Father's letter Porta Fidei. 1. In preparation for the Year of Faith, all of the faithful are invited to read closely and meditate upon Pope Benedict XVI’s Apostolic Letter, Porta fidei (you can find a version of this letter by visiting this website: 2. The Year of Faith will also be a good opportunity to intensify the celebration of the faith in the liturgy, especially in the Eucharist. In the Eucharist, mystery of faith and source of the new evangelization, the faith of the Church is proclaimed, celebrated and strengthened. All of the faithful are invited to participate in the Eucharist actively, fruitfully and with awareness, in order to be authentic witnesses of the Lord. 3. Priests should devote greater attention to the study of the documents of Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, drawing from them resources for the pastoral care of their parishes –catechesis, preaching, Sacramental preparation. They should also offer cycles of homilies on the faith or on certain specific aspects such as, for example, “the encounter with Christ”, “the fundamental contents of the Creed”, and “faith and the Church.” 4. Catechists should hold more firmly to the doctrinal richness of the Catechism of the Catholic Church 5. It is hoped that there will be a renewed commitment in parishes to the distribution of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and of other resources appropriate for families, which are true domestic churches and the primary setting for the transmission of the faith. I invite you to keep these points in your mind, and the other five will mention next week, in these ten points we will base the celebration of this important year of faith at the parish level Fr. Agustin, Pastor. 

El Año de la Fe (2)

Queridos hermanos en el Señor, el fin de semana pasado iniciamos una serie de artículos con la finalidad de prepararnos para el Año de la Fe, convocado por el Papa. Retomamos nuevamente el tema con una serie de preguntas y respuestas que nos ayudarán a comprender mejor. 1. ¿Qué es el Año de la Fe? Es una invitación a una auténtica y renovada conversión al Señor, único Salvador del mundo. 2. ¿Cuando inicia y termina? Inicia el 11 de octubre de 2012 y terminará el 24 de noviembre de 2013. 3. ¿Por qué esas fechas? El 11 de octubre coinciden dos aniversarios: el 50 aniversario de la apertura del Concilio Vaticano II y el 20 aniversario de la promulgación del Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica. La clausura, el 24 de noviembre, será la solemnidad de Cristo Rey 4. ¿Por qué el Papa ha convocado este año? El santo Padre nos invita a una auténtica y renovada conversión al Señor, único Salvador del mundo. El objetivo principal de este año es que cada cristiano podamos redescubrir el camino de la fe para poner a la luz siempre con mayor claridad la alegría y el renovado entusiasmo del encuentro con Cristo y con la Iglesia Católica. 5. ¿Qué medios ha señalado el Santo Padre? Como expuso en la su carta Porta Fidei, intensificar la celebración de la fe en la liturgia, especialmente en la Eucaristía; dar testimonio de la propia fe; y redescubrir los contenidos de la propia fe, expuestos principalmente en el Catecismo y en los documentos del Concilio Vaticano II. 6. ¿Dónde tendrá lugar? El alcance será universal. Los cristianos tendremos la oportunidad de confesar la fe en el Señor Resucitado en nuestras catedrales e iglesias de todo el mundo; en nuestras casas y con nuestras familias, para que cada uno sienta con fuerza la exigencia de conocer y transmitir mejor a las generaciones futuras la fe de siempre. En este Año, las comunidades religiosas, así como las parroquiales, y todas las realidades eclesiales antiguas y nuevas, encontrarán la manera de profesar públicamente el Credo. Yo los invito a que tengamos pues en mente éstas ideas porque con ellas caminaremos juntos a lo largo de todo éste Año de la Fe que ya muy pronto vamos a empezar y de el que nos vamos a beneficiar como miembros de la Iglesia y miembros de nuestra comunidad parroquial P. Agustín, párroco. 

lunes, 13 de agosto de 2012

La Asunción de la Santísima Virgen María (2012)

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Albricias, Señora,
reina soberana,
que ha llegado el logro
de vuestra esperanza.

Albricias, que tienen
término las ansias
que os causa la ausencia
del Hijo que os ama.

Albricias, que al cielo
para siempre os llama
el que en cielo y tierra
os llenó de gracia.

¡Dichosa la muerte
que tal vida os causa!
¡Dichosa la suerte
final de quien ama!
¡Oh quién os siguiera
con veloces alas!
¡Quién entre tus manos
la gloria alcanzara!
Para que seamos
dignos de tu casa,
hágase en nosotros
también su palabra. Amén.

De la Liturgia de las Horas

Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (2012)

File:Andrea Vaccaro Asunción de la Virgen Col par.jpg
A man had just died. Arriving at heaven’s gate, St. Peter interviewed him. “Have you ever loved a woman?” “No,” the man replied, “Not a single one.” “Did you have special friends?” “No,” he answered. “How about your parents, brothers and sisters?” “I lost my parents as a child, and I have no brothers and sisters.” “Perhaps you have a pet that you cared for? Have you any love for nature?” “No.” Peter shook his head in disbelief and asked, “What took you so long to get here? You’ve been dead for ages!”[1].

You know, love makes life truly meaningful and worth living. To be more precise, love brings about life in its fullness. This truth is what we celebrate on this Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into heaven. On 1950, Pope Pius XII promulgated as a dogma revealed by God that: “Mary, the immaculate perpetually Virgin Mother of God, after the completion of her earthly life, was assumed, body and soul, into the glory of heaven.” So, the dogma of the Assumption of Mary is based, according to the Fathers of the Church, on four arguments: first, Mary is the Immaculate Conception, she did not incur the general curse of sin and so her body was “exempted from the general law of dissolution.” Second, she is the Mother of God,  there is likeness to her Son, in body and soul. Third, her perpetual virginity: her body was preserved in virginal integrity. And fourth, she participated in the work of Christ: she enjoys the full fruit of the Redemption, which consists in the glorification of soul and body[2].

I know I know, all this is too complex or too theological, so let me put it in a very practical way: the Assumption of Mary can be easily explained by only one word: love. Based on our experience, love is overpowering. It is a force that moves us towards the object of love and be united with it.
People who love money are always running after money. Those who love cars are always with their cars. And couples who are in love tend to be together all the time. There is some irresistible force in love that pulls the person towards the beloved. In the case of Mary, her love of God is so great that her whole being is pulled closer to God. It practically lifted her up to heaven, body and soul.

Bishop Fulton Sheen expressed it much better: “If the distant moon moves all the surging tides of earth, then the love of Mary for Jesus and the love of Jesus for Mary should result in such an ecstasy as to ‘lift her out of this world’”[3]. So, Mary’s Assumption can be easily understood by love. It is also love that is the source and cause of her perfect beauty…

All this leads us to a very practical lesson on how to be beautiful: be in love, truly in love with God, like Mary! For instance, Mother Teresa was not a beautiful woman physically. But as one looks at her for some time, her aura of holiness can be sensed, and her face gradually shines in a certain way that makes one believe she is indeed beautiful. Some people, no matter how old they get, never lose their beauty – they merely move it from their faces into their hearts[4]. That is the beauty of somebody who is in love, whose life is completely immersed in the love of God…

So, this celebration of Mary’s Assumption inspires us to hope. Pope Benedict XVI said: “For over a thousand years, the Church has greeted Mary, the Mother of God, as ‘Star of the Sea’: Ave maris stella! Human life is a journey. Life is like a trip on the sea of history, often dark and stormy, a trip in which we watch for the stars that indicate the route. They are lights of hope. Who more than Mary could be a star of hope for us?”[5].
This evening [morning] let us turn to Mary with love and devotion, may She gives us hope that, like her and through her maternal intervention, we will find the way to heaven, our true and lasting home[6]. Amen

[1] Adapted from Reader’s Digest
[2] cf. Dr. L. Ott, Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma, p. 209
[3] The World’s First Love, p. 134
[4] Martin Buxbaum.
[5] Spe Salvi, 49
[6] Fr. Mike Lagrimas, St. Teresa Church, New York, NY 10002. 

jueves, 9 de agosto de 2012


Archbishop Gustavo García-Siller, MSpS
Cordially invites
All the people of the Archdiocese of San Antonio
to join him for a night of remembering,
fellowship, prayer and thanksgiving.
6:30 p.m. Fellowship
7:30 p.m. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
8:30 p.m. Mass of Thanksgiving

Special reminder for all parish organizations, youth
groups, campus minister groups, young adult
groups to show their spirit by wearing their group
T-shirts and/or carrying their banners.

For more information contact
Archdiocese of San Antonio Vocation Office

SEPTEMBER 13, 2012 • 6:30 pm—9:30 pm
St. Rose of Lima Parish • 9883 Marbach Rd

miércoles, 8 de agosto de 2012

Few days until the opening of the Year of Faith on 10-11-12! 

Duc in altum! Go into the deep! The Year of Faith is less than 100 days away. The Lord Jesus is calling each of us to go deep with Him and to go into the deep at His bidding!

Are you ready?

How will we take advantage of this “year of favor from the Lord” for personal conversion and growth, and for public profession and proclamation of the Faith?

How are we readying ourselves for the Year of Faith, and for a renewed implementation of the new evangelization, at the level of the Universal Church, the Episcopal Conferences, the diocesan Church, and at the level of the parish, community, association, and movement? (cf. Note with pastoral recommendations for the Year of Faith, Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith - January 6, 2012)

The Year of Faith is meant to lead every Catholic…

  …to rediscover the joy of knowing Him in a personal, intimate, life-giving, and life-changing manner

 …to acquire a deep and correct understanding of the Catholic Faith

…to give a full assent to this Faith in private and in public

…to become fully equipped to share, explain, and defend the Catholic Faith

…to become better followers and better evangelizers; better disciples and better missionaries

 …to gladly and unequivocally profess before the assembly and proclaim before the world: “This is our faith. This is the faith of the Church. We are proud to profess it, in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (The Roman Ritual)

Let us go deep with Christ and go into the deep at His bidding! Read more at and at the Vatican's new Year of Faith website:

Here in our parish we have some training events and study, soon we will give you more details! Fr. Agustin, Pastor. 

lunes, 6 de agosto de 2012

The Assumption of Mary

Brothers and sisters in Christ next Wednesday we will celebrate the Assumption of the Virgin, in the United States is a holy day of obligation. I write these lines to invite everyone to prepare well for this important feast in the liturgy of the Church. Each year on August 15, we read the same Gospel. It is the Gospel that provides an account of Mary's visit to her cousin Elizabeth. The Holy Scripture tells us nothing of the Assumption of Mary into Heaven. However, in 1950, Pope Pius XII, after having consulted all bishops, proclaimed the Assumption of Mary to be a dogma of the faith. Faithful to the Pope and to his teaching, we thus firmly believe this truth to be a dogma of our faith: Mary was taken up into Heaven, both body and soul. If Scripture does not speak of the Assumption of Mary into Heaven, on what can such a dogmatic definition be founded? Well, quite simply: on the unanimous belief of the entire Christian people: all Catholic Christians have, at all times, thought and believed that Mary was taken up into Heaven, not only her soul, but her body as well. Is this not a sufficient reason? So, wouldn't the unanimous belief of the Christian people be a testimony of Scripture itself, insofar as this testimony, like Scripture, goes all the way back to the Apostles themselves? Let us be sure of this: it is the Holy Spirit, who guides both the Church and the Pope, who is truly the guarantor of this truth which, from now on, is proposed for our belief, and teaches us that Mary was taken up into Heaven, both her body and her soul. The body of Mary could not know corruption: not a moment could pass between the end of her life on earth and the beginning of her glorious life in Heaven. Through her body, Mary said Yes! to God; through her body, Mary showed faith in the Angel who spoke in the name of God. Through her body, Mary was elevated to a place so high that no creature would ever be able to displace her. But above all, Mary then became the Wife of the Holy Spirit, becoming one with him in Christ. Lastly, Mary became the favored daughter of the Father, who had seen her in him, in his Son, and in his Spirit for all eternity! Long before time began, the Father had loved Mary and had given her the Glory that she now possesses forever, in her body and her soul! Fr. Agustin, pastor. 

La Asunción de la Virgen

Queridos hermanos y hermanas en el Señor, el próximo miércoles vamos a celebrar con la liturgia de la Iglesia el misterio de la Asunción de María, que fue definido como dogma de fe por el Papa Pío XII el 1 de noviembre de 1950. Este dogma es también celebrado en la Iglesia ortodoxa de Oriente con el nombre de La Dormición de María. Con éste himno, compuesto por un sacerdote franciscano los invito a que honremos a la Virgen en ésta hermosísima fiesta y a que nos pongamos bajo su protección y amparo P. Agustín, párroco.

La vida silenciosa se ha cumplido
y es hora de lo eterno;
descanse ya la Santa, toda pura,
y deje nuestra luz tras breve sueño.

Se acerca el Redentor, el Hijo suyo,
primeros de los muertos,
y sella con la paz aquellos ojos,
abiertos para ver todo el misterio.

Bajó a la oscura tierra como el Hijo,
cruzó el común sendero;
mas vino Cristo y fue la Parusía:
María en cuerpo y alma está en el cielo.

Primicia de la Iglesia, flor temprana,
María alcanza el Reino;
el tiempo vence al tiempo y se adelanta,
la Madre goza ya del bien que espero.

Y surge al tacto, al beso del Amado
la llama de su cuerpo;
la carne sin mancilla es consumada
por otra carne, fruto de su seno.

¡Oh Cristo, mi Señor, que eres tú solo
la tienda del encuentro,
a ti la gratitud, porque hoy recibes
a Aquella que te tuvo junto al pecho!. Amén

Fray Rufino M. Grández