viernes, 30 de septiembre de 2011

October, month of the Rosary

My dear brothers and sisters, the celebration of the 50th anniversary of our parish community is over, but life goes on and there are many things that come and they are important. With the visit of the Archbishop and the daily celebration of the Eucharist we have been renewed in our spiritual life and have the strength to keep walking as People of God who walks into the house of the Father. October is marked by devotion to our Lady of the Rosary and for a more consistent and stronger prayer for the missions. His Holiness Benedict XVI has two major intentions for this month: that the celebration of World Mission Day may foster in the People of God a passion for evangelization with the willingness to support the missions with prayer and economic aid for the poorest Churches (Missionary intention), and that that the terminally ill may be supported by their faith in God and the love of their brothers and sisters (General intention). October is also marked in the United States and in our community because we will start preparing to receive the new edition of the Roman Missal. This is a new opportunity that the Church gives us to learn more about our faith, to open ourselves to new horizons with renewed hearts. Let us ask the Spirit of God that we not lose our focus and clear priorities, and that God himself is at the center of our daily lives. May the Blessed Virgin Mary, while we contemplate the mysteries of her life, teach us to walk towards her Son, to help us find him in the liturgy and giving thanks for the many blessings we have in our parish community ■ Fr. Agustín, Pastor. 

Echoes of the celebration of 50 years in the parish

Octubre mes del Rosario

Queridos hermanos en el Señor, ya terminó la celebración del aniversario de la parroquia pero la vida sigue y hay muchas cosas que vienen y que son importantes. Con la visita del Arzobispo y la diaria celebración de la Eucaristía hemos sido renovados en nuestra vida espiritual y tenemos las fuerzas suficientes para seguir caminando como Pueblo de Dios que camina hacia la casa del Padre. Este mes que comienza, Octubre, está marcado por la devoción a nuestra Señora, la Virgen del Rosario, y por una oración más constante y más fuerte por las misiones. Nuestro quedísimo padre el Papa Benedicto XVI tiene dos intenciones importantes éste mes, la primera es la oración por los enfermos terminales, para que en sus sufrimientos sean sostenidos por la fe en Dios y el amor de sus hermanos, y la segunda es que la celebración de la Jornada Misionera Mundial acreciente en el Pueblo de Dios la pasión por la evangelización y el apoyo a la actividad misionera con la oración y la ayuda económica a las Iglesias más pobres, es momento para pensar cómo vamos a apoyar al Papa en éstas dos intenciones y cómo vamos a acrecentar nuestro amor a la Santísima Virgen. Si al cabo de un tiempo nuestra parroquia es más eucarística y más mariana, nuestro esfuerzo habrá valido la pana. Vamos a pedirle al mismo Espíritu de Dios que nos ayude a centrar nuestra atención en lo importante, a tener claras nuestras prioridades, a buscar a Jesucristo en la liturgia y a orar sin desfallecer, contando siempre con el amor y la protección de la Virgen, Madre de la Iglesia y reina de nuestra parroquia P. Agustín, Párroco. 

domingo, 25 de septiembre de 2011

We celebrate this morning!!

Thanks to God and His generosity and His providence we have been able to reach this Sunday to celebrate the first 50 years of our parish community. It’s a day of thanksgiving and joy, we can say that the Lord has done great things for us and we are glad[1]. So glad and so grateful.

Thank you very much to all who have wished to join this celebration, especially [bishop and bishop] and my brothers priests. Thanks in a very special way to the former pastor of this parish, is because of what they sowed yesterday that today we can gather and celebrate.

By a happy coincidence this Sunday we are treated to one of the most beautiful passages about Jesus in the entire Bible. Jesus our Lord and savior emptied Himself of his divinity and became a human being like us, and more than this, he became a slave for each one of us, to teach us that humility and service are two virtues that we need in lives every single day.

Today, with this big mass, with this anniversary we are called again and again to work in the Father's vineyard. The vineyard is your house and my house, your family and the parish community. The vineyard is that place where others are seeking the person of Christ in us. People around us are looking for Jesus; people around us are looking for meaning in their lives, are we willing to help others find Christ?

Christ must be the origin and end of life. The basis of everything. How often we forget that he must be the center of our thoughts and desires and efforts. If we are here this morning, is for Him, if we organize this celebration, is for Him.  The glory and recognition and applause are NOT for the pastor or the pastoral council, or the staff or volunteers. The glory is for Jesus Christ who in a few minutes will be with us in the species of bread and wine changed into body and blood.

So, let's not lose focus this morning. The 50 years of the parish are very important but not the most important. The parish and its buildings are not forever. The parish community is not forever. The pastor, thanks be to God is not forever. The only thing that remains forever is Jesus Christ. For him it is all the glory. For him it is all the recognition. Only for Jesus Christ we organize this Mass, to worship him and ask him to be the foundation of this parish community.

St. Paul put it so well in those closing words of today’s second reading; God bestowed on him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bend, of those in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father[2]

What we are asking this morning at Mass? Three things. Unity in our parish community. Love and adoration to the person of Jesus Christ. And the protection and intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Where are we without the help of Our Lady? She is the queen of heaven, the mother of the Church and the mother of this parish; to her all our love and veneration. All our loving to Jesus through Mary, all our loving to Mary through Jesus. Amen. ■

[1] Cfr Psalm 126.
[2] Phil 2:1-11

viernes, 16 de septiembre de 2011

50 Aniversario de la Parroquia

Queridos hermanos y hermanas en el Señor:

A finales de septiembre vamos a celebrar los 50 años de la fundación de nuestra parroquia. El Domingo pasado olvidé traducir la invitación que hice a toda la comunidad parroquial a participar de estos dos grandes eventos.

Originalmente se sugirió una gran celebración con fuegos artificiales, una cena para todos y regalos para conmemorar nuestros 50 años, sin embargo a pesar de que es un momento de gran celebración, es también tiempo de reflexión y acción sobre la actual crisis económica y las dificultades experimentadas por familias de nuestra comunidad y nuestro país. Muchos de nuestros hermanos y hermanas están sin trabajo y sin estabilidad económica. Estos problemas no son sólo económicos, son también retos morales y pruebas de nuestra fe. A medida que nos acercamos a los 50 años de la parroquia, más del 9% de los estadounidenses están desempleados y no pueden encontrar trabajo. Otros temen la pérdida de puestos de trabajo. Los salarios no son suficientes para cubrir los gastos. Como resultado, muchos han perdido sus hogares. Como cristianos, debemos vivir en solidaridad con los menos afortunados y los que luchan en estos tiempos económicos difíciles. Es por eso que decidimos celebrar con algo que es simple pero al mismo tiempo profundamente importante y significativo: la Santa Misa.

El Consejo Pastoral y un servidor decidimos entonces organizar una misa especial para dar gracias a Dios por estos 50 años de vida parroquial, la cual se celebrará el Domingo, 25 de septiembre 2011 a las 11:30 de la mañana en la zona próxima al Centro Parroquial. Pensamos que era mejor tener una misa al aire libre para poder así recibir a todos los que deseen participar. Para aquellos que deseen asistir a la misa en la iglesia ese fin de semana, la Misa se celebrará, como de costumbre, el sábado, 24 de septiembre a las 5PM, y el domingo, 25 de septiembre a las 8 AM. No tendremos la misa del domingo a las 10 AM, 12 PM ni a las 2 PM. Los invitamos a todos a unirse a nosotros a la celebración de las 11:30 AM

Tendremos preparada una tienda de campaña y sillas para todos; lo único que pedimos que traigan es un buen corazón y una gran actitud. Posiblemente tendremos un día soleado y caluroso, pero con gusto le ofreceremos a Dios esa pequeña incomodidad en acción de gracias por nuestra parroquia.

Al día siguiente, Lunes, 26 de septiembre 2011 a las 6 PM, tendremos la ceremonia de la dedicación del altar. Mons. Gustavo García-Siller, Arzobispo de San Antonio, presidirá la celebración eucarística. El rito de la dedicación de una iglesia y su altar está considerado como uno de los más solemnes de la liturgia de la Iglesia Católica. Una iglesia es el lugar donde se reúne la comunidad cristiana para escuchar la Palabra de Dios, para ofrecer a alabanza a Su santo nombre, y para celebrar los misterios de nuestra fe. Es también el lugar donde se reserva el Santísimo Sacramento de la Eucaristía.

El comité organizador ha trabajo mucho y con gran cariño para coordinar la celebración, reuniendo los fondos necesarios para estos eventos, ellos merecen nuestro reconocimiento; nuestro Señor sabe quiénes son y estoy seguro que Él sabrá recompensarlos ​​abundantemente. Yo, como su párroco, les estoy profunda y sinceramente agradecido.

Que la Santísima Virgen María, Madre de la Iglesia y reina de nuestra parroquia, nos ayude a tener una gran celebración, juntos, como comunidad parroquial centrada en la Eucaristía.

P. Agustín Estrada

jueves, 8 de septiembre de 2011

Let us pray!

O God of love, compassion, and healing, look on us, people of many different faiths and traditions, who gather today at this site, the scene of incredible violence and pain.

We ask you in your goodness to give eternal light and peace to all who died here -- the heroic first responders: our firefighters, police officers, emergency service workers, and Port Authority personnel, along with all the innocent men and women who were victims of this tragedy simply because their work or service brought them here on September 11, 2001.

We ask you, in your compassion to bring healing to those who, because of their presence here that day, suffer from injuries and illness. Heal, too, the pain of still-grieving families and all who lost loved ones in this tragedy. Give them strength to continue their lives with courage and hope.

"We are mindful as well of those who suffered death, injury, and loss on the same day at the Pentagon and in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Our hearts are one with theirs as our prayer embraces their pain and suffering.
"God of peace, bring your peace to our violent world: peace in the hearts of all men and women and peace among the nations of the Earth. Turn to your way of love those whose hearts and minds are consumed with hatred.

"God of understanding, overwhelmed by the magnitude of this tragedy, we seek your light and guidance as we confront such terrible events. Grant that those whose lives we pared may live so that the lives lost here may not have been lost in vain. Comfort and console us, Strengthen us in hope, and give us the wisdom and courage to work tirelessly for a world where true peace and love reign among nations and in the hearts of all.

Pope Benedict XVI
Ground Zero, New York City,
September 20, 2008

Reflection on the 10th Anniversary of the Events of September 11, 2001.

As our nation and the world recall the tragedy of September 11, 2001, I pray that courage and compassion will be included in our memorials. I also hope that the love and our memory of the lives of those who died in that awful moment will always be a part of this day’s observance. Let us call upon our Father to change the hearts of those who choose violence and terror against the innocent as the solution to the grievances that rise within our human family.
We pray that the Holy Spirit will guide us to be instruments of peace and justice in the world, leading all people to reconciliation with God and one another, and that we will be united as family through the presence of Jesus among us. With love, compassion, mercy and humility...let us reach out in Christ.
The sacrifices that flowed from the events of that infamous day continue to bring a mixture of heartbreak and pride into the lives of the families of those who bravely serve in the military and others who are victims of the conflicts that spread a dark shadow of loss and sorrow.The courage of the men and women who, with bravery and fidelity, rushed into the twin towers and the Pentagon, saving lives while risking their own, provides a lasting legacy of courage to us all. The willing sacrifices of those on Flight 93 who limited the loss of life on that day by giving their own lives with courage, remain as heroes in our hearts. May the families and friends of all those  whodied on September 11th, find God’s message of love in the solitude of this moment of remembering. On this, the tenth anniversary of “9/11”, let us find courage and faith in the words of the Psalmist: “I fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff comfort me.” May we, who are given the responsibility to preach, teach and be witnesses to the Word of God, always bring a message of goodness and mercy, and that through His divine providence we will always know that “The Lord is my shepherd;” and that it is He who has the power to restore my soul, guiding us along right paths, sharing His healing touch with a world which seeks the peace of the green pastures and still waters that are His promise to His children.

Archbishop Gustavo García‐Siller. 

Our 50th Anniversary Celebration

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, at the end of September, we will be celebrating the 50th anniversary of our parish.  Rather than include a short announcement about the upcoming celebration in the Pastor’s Bench, Sunday homilies or announcements from the pulpit, I would like to provide you with some details about what we have planned to honor this special occasion.

Originally, it was suggested that we have a big celebration with fireworks, a great dinner for all parishioners, gifts and plaques to commemorate our fifty years as a parish community.  Even though this is a time for celebration, it is also a time for reflection and action on the current economic turmoil and hardships experienced by the families of our community and our country.  Many of our brothers and sisters are without work, raising children in poverty and haunted by fears about their economic security.  These are not just economic problems, but also human tragedies, moral challenges and tests of our faith.  As we approach our 50th anniversary, over nine percent of Americans are unemployed and unable to find work.  Others fear the loss of jobs.  Wages are not enough to cover expenses.  As a result, many have lost their homes or now owe more than their homes are worth.

As Christians, we are to live in solidarity with the less fortunate and those struggling in these difficult economic times.  It is for that reason we decided to organize something simple, yet, significant.  Our celebration will help us remain focused on what really matters: the Eucharist. 

We, the Pastoral Council and I, decided to organize a special Mass to give thanks to God for fifty years of parish life at St. Vincent de Paul.  This Mass will be held on Sunday, September 25, 2011 at 11:30 a.m. in the area next to the Parish Center.  It was deemed best to have an outdoor Mass to accommodate all who wish to participate.  For those wishing to attend Mass inside the church that weekend, we will celebrate Mass as usual on Saturday, September 24th at 5 p.m. and Sunday, September 25th at 8 a.m.   We will not have Sunday Mass at 10 a.m., 12 p.m. or 2 p.m. in the Church. Instead, we invite all to join us at 11:30 a.m.

We will lovingly prepare an altar to celebrate the Eucharist. A tent and chairs will be provided for your comfort.   I ask you to bring your good heart and a great attitude.  If we have high temperatures that morning, let us gladly offer it to God in thanksgiving for 50 years of our parish.

The following day, Monday, September 26, 2011 at 6 p.m., we will have a ceremony to dedicate our church’s altar.  Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller will preside over the Eucharistic Celebration.  The Rite for the dedication of a church and an altar is rightly considered among the most solemn of liturgical services.  A church is the place where the Christian community is gathered to hear the Word of God, to offer intercession and praise to Him, and above all, to celebrate the holy mysteries.  It is also the place where the holy sacrament of the Eucharist is kept. 

The planning committee has worked diligently to coordinate our celebration and find the funds needed for these events.  Committee members deserve a huge THANK YOU!  God knows who they are and they will be rewarded abundantly.  I, as your pastor, am deeply grateful.

May the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church, help us to have a wonderful celebration together as a community and parish centered on the Eucharist.  May she guide us as we work to help the less fortunate.

Father Agustin

viernes, 2 de septiembre de 2011

Our Friendship House and her fruits

My dear brothers in Christ, the summer is almost done and many things have happened in our parish and this channel of communication between the pastor and the parishioners is back. The children went on vacation and have returned to school. We have the air conditioning running thanks to your help and generosity, and we are preparing the reception of the new Roman Missal next November. Earlier, in a few weeks, we will be celebrating 50 years of our parish community. Gradually we will announce two major events.  There will be a Mass outdoors (Sunday September 25, 11.30AM) and the consecration of the altar (Monday, September 26, 6PM). Two very important events to which all are invited. But rather than talking about this, today I want to dedicate this edition of Pastor's Bench to our beloved Friendship House. A few days ago I received the consolidated annual report of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. That report is financial information and explanation of the mission. The phrase headed by the report is especially significant: Serving Those in Need Because We Are More than Charity. Today I want to thank publicly all of you because your money and your time (volunteers) help us a lot. I particularly want to thank ALFREDO SALAZAR for the great effort and care he puts into his work. Alfredo is a good and worthy successor of another man to whom we should be grateful: BOB CANTY, THANK YOU SO MUCH GUYS!

Today also I would ask that we unite as a parish community and thank God for the fruits of our beloved Friendship House, and that we always imitate the Vincentian values​​: sanctity of life, service to the poor, humility, simplicity, charity, and faith community. As member of the same community and followers of the same faith, we must follow Christ’s guidance to achieve the goal: whatever you do to the least of my brothers, you do unto me and love one another as I have loved you.  It’s more than simple charity. We will fight to keep giving our best effort, we will fight together to be united as a parish community, let's give thanks together for the Friendship House Fr Agustin, Pastor.

La "Friendship House" de nuestra comunidad parroquial

Queridos hermanos en Cristo, el verano está casi terminado y muchos eventos se han ido sucediendo en nuestra comunidad parroquial, empezando por este canal de comunicación entre el pastor y los feligreses que está de regreso. En Junio los niños salieron de vacaciones y  ya regresaron a la escuela. Tenemos el aire acondicionado funcionando gracias a su ayuda y generosidad y estamos preparando la recepción del nuevo Misal Romano el próximo mes de Noviembre. Antes, dentro de unas semanas, tendremos la celebración de los 50 años de nuestra comunidad parroquial. Poco a poco iremos anunciando los dos grandes eventos que tendremos, ahora les adelanto que celebraremos la santa Misa en el campo de fútbol (Domingo 25 de Septiembre a las 11.30AM) y tendremos la consagración del altar (Lunes 26 de Septiembre a las 6PM). Dos eventos muy importantes a los que TODOS están invitados. Sin embargo más que hablar de esto, hoy quiero dedicar ésta edición del Pastor's Bench a nuestra querida Friendship House. Hace pocos días yo recibí el reporte anual de la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl. Ese reporte es la información financiera de la asociación. La frase que encabeza el reporte es especialmente significativa: Sirviendo a aquellos que tienen necesidad es más que simple caridad. Hoy quiero dar las gracias a todos ustedes porque con su dinero y su tiempo  (pienso en los voluntarios) hacen posible que nuestra Friendship House siga existiendo. Quiero agradecer a ALFREDO SALAZAR por el gran esfuerzo y cariño que pone en su trabajo. Alfredo es un buen sucesor de otro hombre al que debemos estar muy agradecidos: BOB CANTY.  Quisiera pedir también que nos unamos como comunidad parroquial y demos gracias a Dios por los frutos de la Friendship House, y que imitemos siempre los valores de San Vicente de Paúl: santidad de vida, servicio a los pobres, humildad, simplicidad, caridad, comunidad de fe. Nuestra Friendship house va más allá que la simple caridad. Vamos a luchar para seguir dando nuestro mejor esfuerzo, vamos a luchar juntos para estar unidos como una comunidad parroquial, vamos a dar gracias juntos por ésta realidad   P. Agustín, párroco. 

Labor Day Statement 2011

Human Costs and Moral Challenges of a Broken Economy.

Bishop Stephen E. Blaire, Bishop of Stockton, 
Chairman, Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
September 5, 2011  ■ 


Dear brothers and sisters, there are artistic expressions that are true roads to God, the supreme Beauty -- indeed, they are a help [to us] in growing in our relationship with Him in prayer. We are referring to works of art that are born of faith, and that express the faith. We see an example of this whenever we visit a Gothic cathedral: We are ravished by the vertical lines that reach heavenward and draw our gaze and our spirit upward, while at the same time, we feel small and yet yearn to be filled. … Or when we enter a Romanesque church: We are invited quite naturally to recollection and prayer. We perceive that hidden within these splendid edifices is the faith of generations. Or again, when we listen to a piece of sacred music that makes the chords of our heart resound, our soul expands and is helped in turning to God. I remember a concert performance of the music of Johann Sebastian Bach -- in Munich in Bavaria -- conducted by Leonard Bernstein. At the conclusion of the final selection, one of the Cantate, I felt -- not through reasoning, but in the depths of my heart -- that what I had just heard had spoken truth to me, truth about the supreme composer, and it moved me to give thanks to God. Seated next to me was the Lutheran bishop of Munich. I spontaneously said to him: "Whoever has listened to this understands that faith is true" -- and the beauty that irresistibly expresses the presence of God's truth ■ Benedict XVI


Queridos hermanos y hermanas, hay expresiones artísticas que son verdaderos caminos hacia Dios, la Belleza suprema, que incluso son una ayuda para crecer en la relación con Él, en la oración. Se trata de las obras que nacen de la fe y que la expresan. Un ejemplo lo tenemos cuando visitamos una catedral gótica: nos sentimos cautivados por las líneas verticales que se elevan hasta el cielo y que atraen nuestra mirada y nuestro espíritu, mientras que, a la vez, nos sentimos pequeños o también deseosos de plenitud... O cuando entramos en una iglesia románica: nos sentimos invitados de un modo espontáneo al recogimiento y a la oración. Percibimos que en estos espléndidos edificios se recoge la fe de generaciones. O bien, cuando escuchamos una pieza de música sacra que hace vibrar las cuerdas de nuestro corazón, nuestro ánimo se dilata y se siente impelido a dirigirse a Dios. Me viene a la memoria un concierto de música de Johann Sebastian Bach, en Munich, dirigido por Leonard Bernstein. Al final de la última pieza, una de las Cantatas, sentí, no razonando, sino en lo profundo del corazón, que lo que había escuchado me había transmitido verdad, verdad del sumo compositor que me empujaba a dar gracias a Dios. A mi lado estaba el obispo luterano de Munich y espontáneamente le dije: “Oyendo esto se entiende: es verdadera, es verdadera la fe tan fuerte y la belleza que expresa irresistiblemente la presencia de la verdad de Dios”. Cuántas veces cuadros o frescos, frutos de la fe del artista, con sus formas, con sus colores, con sus luces, nos empujan a dirigir el pensamiento hacia Dios y hacen crecer en nosotros el deseo de acudir a la fuente de toda belleza. Resulta profundamente cierto lo que escribió un gran artista, Marc Chagall, que los pintores han sumergido, durante siglos, sus pinceles en el alfabeto de colores que es la Biblia. ¡Cuántas veces las expresiones artísticas pueden ser ocasiones para acordarnos de Dios, para ayudar a nuestra oración o para convertir nuestro corazón! Paul Claudel, famoso poeta, dramaturgo y diplomático francés, al escuchar el canto del Magnificat durante la Misa de Navidad en la basílica de Notre Dame, París, en 1886, advirtió la presencia de Dios. No había entrado en la iglesia por motivos de fe, sino para encontrar argumentos contra los cristianos. Sin embargo la gracia de Dios actuó en su corazón Benedicto XVI