sábado, 7 de abril de 2012

Easter Sunday 2012

My brothers and sisters, this time of year we are turned towards the life and love of our Savior Jesus Christ in His Passion, Death and Resurrection. The Easter season should be a time of family, prayer and thanksgiving. Easter is not only a springtime and flowers and nice barbecues at the back yard. Easter is more than that. It is about the Savior of the world! It is about the good tidings of great joy[1]. At the Last Supper our Lord said: a new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another[2]. The Spirit of Easter is the Spirit of Christ. It is the Spirit of love, of service, of compassion. It is manifest in simple acts of service as we go about doing good[3]. It is the way we serve others.  So what better way then to show our love for Him than to serve those around us. Jesus Christ’s message has always been about serving others. The glad tidings are meant to be shared. They are meant to be shown. So the reason for the season is Christ, the Spirit of Easter is His. Now what are we to do? Go and do what Jesus did: love and serve. Chances are you won’t save someone’s life or change the world tomorrow. But if you do show someone love you will know why He came. You will know why He mattered. You will know Him. I write this simple comment because a few days ago while I was walking to the church on Tuesday morning, I met some parishioners who were cutting and arranging the grounds of the parish. When I said hello, they said, "Father, we are preparing the fields for Easter". I felt great joy. I felt that my parish has a great spirit of service. These parishioners of whom I speak, they themselves know who they are. Today, Easter Sunday, I want to thank each one of them, and say it was a good gesture and that God will reward generously the work done by the parish. I also ask God in my personal prayer that today that we celebrate the Resurrection of the Lord, He will give us all a greater spirit of service and love for the Universal Church and our beloved parish. Happy Easter! Fr. Agustin, Pastor.

[1] Luke 2:10
[2] John 13:34
[3] Acts 10:38

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