lunes, 2 de enero de 2012

New Year resolutions!

A friend who is a permanent deacon has published a few days ago this excellent resolutions in his parish bulletin, and it seemed appropriate to also publish it in ours, so there you have it, along with the desire of your pastor that you all have a year full of joy, peace and grace of God Fr. Agustín.

Catholic New Year’s Resolutions

I resolve to arrive at Mass early, and read the readings at home, to understand better.

Before arriving for Mass, I resolve to turn off my cell phone, or put it on “vibrate.” I'm not texting in church, or to check my twitter or facebook or my videos on YouTube.

I resolve to go to the bathroom before I leave home, so I don’t have to stand outside the restroom for most of Mass, hopping from foot to foot.

I resolve not to wear shorts to Sunday Mass unless I’m under the age of five.

I will not feed my children cookies during Mass.

I will not leave empty juice boxes in the pews.

I resolve not to snore during the homilies.

I resolve to sing.  Loudly.

When the usher comes by with the collection basket, I will not put in a five-dollar bill and take out four ones.

I resolve to actually shake hands with those around me during the Sign of Peace, and really mean it.

When the commentator announces that there is no second collection, I resolve not to cheer or applaud.

I will not bolt for the door after the announcements.

I will stay in my pew to sing the recessional hymn.

I gladly will devote my time in ministry in the parish: I'll be reader or commentator or usher.

I resolve to place my missal on the shelf at the entrance to make less work for the ushers.  A tidy church is a happy church.

When I am in my car, waiting to get out of the parking lot after Mass, I resolve to use all five fingers when I wave at my fellow parishioners.  And I will smile at them.

I will take home and cut out these resolutions and tape them to my refrigerator, so I don’t forget them

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