miércoles, 8 de agosto de 2012

Few days until the opening of the Year of Faith on 10-11-12! 

Duc in altum! Go into the deep! The Year of Faith is less than 100 days away. The Lord Jesus is calling each of us to go deep with Him and to go into the deep at His bidding!

Are you ready?

How will we take advantage of this “year of favor from the Lord” for personal conversion and growth, and for public profession and proclamation of the Faith?

How are we readying ourselves for the Year of Faith, and for a renewed implementation of the new evangelization, at the level of the Universal Church, the Episcopal Conferences, the diocesan Church, and at the level of the parish, community, association, and movement? (cf. Note with pastoral recommendations for the Year of Faith, Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith - January 6, 2012)

The Year of Faith is meant to lead every Catholic…

  …to rediscover the joy of knowing Him in a personal, intimate, life-giving, and life-changing manner

 …to acquire a deep and correct understanding of the Catholic Faith

…to give a full assent to this Faith in private and in public

…to become fully equipped to share, explain, and defend the Catholic Faith

…to become better followers and better evangelizers; better disciples and better missionaries

 …to gladly and unequivocally profess before the assembly and proclaim before the world: “This is our faith. This is the faith of the Church. We are proud to profess it, in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (The Roman Ritual)

Let us go deep with Christ and go into the deep at His bidding! Read more at http://iEvangelize.wordpress.com and at the Vatican's new Year of Faith website: http://www.annusfidei.va/content/novaevangelizatio/en.html.

Here in our parish we have some training events and study, soon we will give you more details! Fr. Agustin, Pastor. 

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