jueves, 8 de septiembre de 2011

Reflection on the 10th Anniversary of the Events of September 11, 2001.

As our nation and the world recall the tragedy of September 11, 2001, I pray that courage and compassion will be included in our memorials. I also hope that the love and our memory of the lives of those who died in that awful moment will always be a part of this day’s observance. Let us call upon our Father to change the hearts of those who choose violence and terror against the innocent as the solution to the grievances that rise within our human family.
We pray that the Holy Spirit will guide us to be instruments of peace and justice in the world, leading all people to reconciliation with God and one another, and that we will be united as family through the presence of Jesus among us. With love, compassion, mercy and humility...let us reach out in Christ.
The sacrifices that flowed from the events of that infamous day continue to bring a mixture of heartbreak and pride into the lives of the families of those who bravely serve in the military and others who are victims of the conflicts that spread a dark shadow of loss and sorrow.The courage of the men and women who, with bravery and fidelity, rushed into the twin towers and the Pentagon, saving lives while risking their own, provides a lasting legacy of courage to us all. The willing sacrifices of those on Flight 93 who limited the loss of life on that day by giving their own lives with courage, remain as heroes in our hearts. May the families and friends of all those  whodied on September 11th, find God’s message of love in the solitude of this moment of remembering. On this, the tenth anniversary of “9/11”, let us find courage and faith in the words of the Psalmist: “I fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff comfort me.” May we, who are given the responsibility to preach, teach and be witnesses to the Word of God, always bring a message of goodness and mercy, and that through His divine providence we will always know that “The Lord is my shepherd;” and that it is He who has the power to restore my soul, guiding us along right paths, sharing His healing touch with a world which seeks the peace of the green pastures and still waters that are His promise to His children.

Archbishop Gustavo García‐Siller. 


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