viernes, 2 de septiembre de 2011

Our Friendship House and her fruits

My dear brothers in Christ, the summer is almost done and many things have happened in our parish and this channel of communication between the pastor and the parishioners is back. The children went on vacation and have returned to school. We have the air conditioning running thanks to your help and generosity, and we are preparing the reception of the new Roman Missal next November. Earlier, in a few weeks, we will be celebrating 50 years of our parish community. Gradually we will announce two major events.  There will be a Mass outdoors (Sunday September 25, 11.30AM) and the consecration of the altar (Monday, September 26, 6PM). Two very important events to which all are invited. But rather than talking about this, today I want to dedicate this edition of Pastor's Bench to our beloved Friendship House. A few days ago I received the consolidated annual report of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. That report is financial information and explanation of the mission. The phrase headed by the report is especially significant: Serving Those in Need Because We Are More than Charity. Today I want to thank publicly all of you because your money and your time (volunteers) help us a lot. I particularly want to thank ALFREDO SALAZAR for the great effort and care he puts into his work. Alfredo is a good and worthy successor of another man to whom we should be grateful: BOB CANTY, THANK YOU SO MUCH GUYS!

Today also I would ask that we unite as a parish community and thank God for the fruits of our beloved Friendship House, and that we always imitate the Vincentian values​​: sanctity of life, service to the poor, humility, simplicity, charity, and faith community. As member of the same community and followers of the same faith, we must follow Christ’s guidance to achieve the goal: whatever you do to the least of my brothers, you do unto me and love one another as I have loved you.  It’s more than simple charity. We will fight to keep giving our best effort, we will fight together to be united as a parish community, let's give thanks together for the Friendship House Fr Agustin, Pastor.

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