Catholic Tradition (I)
Catholic Tradition often seems odd to those outside the Catholic Church. People assume it's something that we just "made up." Sacred Tradition comes from Christ. It's the full, living gift of Christ to the Apostles, faithfully handed down through each generation. It is through Tradition that the Holy Spirit makes the Risen Lord present among us, offering us the very same saving Word and Sacraments that he gave to the Apostles! Understanding Tradition is essential to understanding the Catholic Church and the Catholic faith. The word "tradition" actually means handing down something to another person. Scripture testifies to this meaning of Catholic Tradition as the normal mode of transmitting the Faith: "For I received from the Lord what I also handed on to you....". "You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus, and what you have heard from me before many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also". This is the most basic meaning of Catholic Tradition: it is the true Faith itself, given to the Apostles by Christ and faithfully transmitted to each new generation. We often write Tradition, with a capital 'T', to mean Sacred Tradition. This Catholic Tradition is different from those traditions (small 't') that are merely customs, and which are not part of Divine Revelation. I write this after the celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation in our parish. Listening to Bishop John Yanta is to feel the living Tradition of the Church! All who were in that Mass last Sunday will agree with me. We are fortunate to have in our Archdiocese men like Bishop Yanta who have spent their entire lives in service of the Gospel and the Church and now, old, tired, still giving a great testimony of faith and joy. As pastor of this community, I felt very encouraged by his priesthood, and I invite you to join me in giving thanks and praying for him ■ Fr. Agustin, Pastor.
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