Roman Missal Third Edition
Dear brothers and sisters in the coming weeks our usual "Pastor's Bench", will give space to a number of articles of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. It is very important to pay attention to what the bishops want to say. They are the successors of the apostles and we need a warm attachment to their words. These texts are designed and written by the bishops of our country to help us better understand the changes that will take place soon, I'm talking about the third edition of the Roman Missal. The entire Church in the United States has been blessed with this opportunity to deepen its understanding of the Sacred Liturgy, and to appreciate its meaning and importance in our lives. I also want to let you know that during the months of October and November of this year we will have some workshops to formally present the new Roman Missal. These workshops will be presented by our Pastoral Council, the group of people who advise the pastor in the government of the parish. The workshops will be on Sundays after Mass in the parish center and will be a good opportunity to ask questions and become more familiar with the changes we're going to have in our liturgy. I want to ask you to pay attention to these articles that will appear in the coming weeks in the newsletter. Texts will be short (two pages) but with much content. The texts will have some theological and liturgical terms and are therefore a way to learn and shape, enrich our culture and especially our Catholic faith. I thank you for the affection with which you all have received the "Pastor's Bench." After the preparation for the Roman Missal, it will return as before ■ Fr. Agustín, Pastor.
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